„Soziale Kompetenzen der Beschäftigten werden immer wichtiger“
Die kreativen und sozialen Kompetenzen der Beschäftigten werden in der künftigen Arbeitswelt immer wichtiger. Denn insbesondere neue Möglichkeiten der beruflichen Flexibilisierung, beispielsweise Homeoffice oder Gleitzeit, bergen neben vielen positiven Effekten die Gefahr der Isolation und des Verlustes der Unternehmenskultur, gibt Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Julia Backmann in der neuen Folge des „Umdenken“-Podcasts der Universität Münster zu bedenken.
Studierende vergeben Preise für herausragende Lehre
Die Fachschaft WiWi hat im Namen der Studierenden - zum ersten Mal seit Corona - wieder Auszeichnungen für besonders gute Lehre vergeben. In den drei Fächern Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftsinformatik wurden jeweils fünf (BWL) bzw. drei (VWL und WI) Veranstaltungen im Bachelor- und im Masterstudium nominiert. Das Gremium Lehrpreis kürte daraus Martin Artz und Peter Kajüter (BWL), Martin Watzinger und Katharina Huesmann (VWL) sowie Christian Grimme und Fabian Gieseke (WI) zu den Gewinner:innen der diesjährigen Lehrpreise.
Prof. Krafft mit dem AMA Selling & Sales Management Lifetime Achievement Award ausgezeichnet
Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Münster gratuliert Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft herzlich zur Verleihung des renommierten Selling & Sales Management Lifetime Achievement Award der American Marketing Association (AMA). Mit diesem Preis ehrt die AMA Sales Special Interest Group (SIG) herausragende Persönlichkeiten, die über einen längeren Zeitraum wesentliche Beiträge zur wissenschaftlichen Disziplin des Vertriebs geleistet haben. Die Verleihung findet im Rahmen der Winter AMA Academic Conference 2025 in Phoenix, Arizona, statt.
GenAI for Crisis Management in the Mobility Sector: Progress in the “Future Mobility Lab” Project Seminar
As part of the project seminar “Future Mobility Lab,” students presented their interim results on an exciting and practice-oriented topic: the use of Generative AI (GenAI) for crisis management in the mobility sector. The seminar is a collaboration with Transdev – a company within the Rethmann Group and the second-largest rail and bus operator in Germany – and aims to develop an innovative dashboard and a bot to support employees in critical situations.
The project focuses on providing tools that enable informed and faster decision-making in scenarios such as rail accidents, severe weather events, or acute staff shortages caused by sudden illnesses. The students offered detailed insights into their workflow, the underlying software architecture, and the data structure. They also explained how various Large Language Models (LLMs) were evaluated to select the best models for the specific use case.
A highlight of the interim presentation was the live demonstration of a working prototype. The showcased dashboard visualizes trains in real time, displays their locations and current issues, and integrates an interactive bot. This bot is already capable of accessing a local database and offers concrete suggestions to resolve issues, such as addressing staff shortages due to unexpected absences.
In the next phase of the project, the bot will be linked with live data to enable automated and informed decision-making. This functionality is expected to further optimize crisis management and significantly enhance operational response in real-world situations.
The project impressively demonstrates how GenAI technologies can create innovative solutions for the mobility sector while simultaneously fostering the practical education of students.
Exciting Insight into the World of Information Systems: Careers, Perspectives, and Fundamentals
The lecture "Introduction to Information Systems" at the Department of Information Systems offers first-semester students a comprehensive introduction to this exciting field of study. In each session, all professors and junior professors of the department present their respective areas of expertise, covering a wide range of topics.
After an introduction to the organizational details and the scientific thinking of information systems experts at the University of Münster, participants gain in-depth insights into fundamental concepts such as process, object, and organizational modeling.
A special highlight of the lecture is a panel discussion with successful alumni of the program. This year, Nina Herrmann, Fabian Müller, Sina Nordlohne, Marvin Teus, and Yannick Verhoeven shared their professional experiences and impressively explained how they applied the knowledge they gained during their studies in practice. Their current roles range from research as postdoctoral researchers at the University of Münster to positions at renowned companies such as the d.velop Group, viadee, zeb, and the Provinzial Insurance.
In addition to inspiring insights into their career paths, the alumni provided students with valuable tips and tricks – especially for internships – that can serve as a springboard for a successful career launch. The event once again highlighted how versatile and future-oriented information systems is.
CDC Career Dinner – Anmeldephase gestartet!
Am 20. Januar 2025 findet ab 18 Uhr das vierte CDC Career Dinner im Kaisersaal des Hotel Kaiserhof in Münster statt. Teilnehmende Unternehmen sind Kraft Heinz, Nagel Group, Procter & Gamble und Windmöller & Hölscher. Interessierte Studierende können sich bis zum 05. Januar 2025 über das Bewerbungsformular anmelden.
AIS welcomes the new cohort of AIS Entrepreneurial Innovation Fellowship
Each year, the Assocciation for Information Systems (AIS) selects six international doctoral students to receive the AIS Entrepreneurial Innovation Fellowship. We are delighted to announce that Shariga Sivanathan, PhD student and staff member at Prof. Tobias Brandt's Chair of Digital Innovation and the Public Sector, has been named one of the Entrepreneurial Innovation Fellowship Students for 2025.
The AIS Entrepreneurial Innovation Fellowship (EIF) programme, funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, aims to enhance entrepreneurship-focused research worldwide. The programme focuses on entrepreneurial perspectives in information systems research and plays a pivotal role in advancing the field. The cohort members were selected based on the scientific and practical contributions of their research to the field of information systems.
Congratulations to Shariga on this outstanding achievement!
Shape the Digital Future: Doctoral Research Associate at the Junior Professorship for Digital Transformation and Society
Are you passionate about exploring the challenges of digital transformation? Would you like to investigate how digital technologies – especially Artificial Intelligence (AI) – are reshaping society, organizations, and individual lives? Then this opportunity is for you!
The Junior Professorship for Digital Transformation and Society in the Department of Information Systems at the University of Münster invites applications for a full-time position as Doctoral Research Associate (E 13 TV-L, 100%), starting on April 1, 2025. The position is initially limited to three years and includes the opportunity to pursue a PhD.
What we offer:
- A dynamic role in a research team dedicated to studying the societal and organizational impacts of digital technologies.
- Exciting research opportunities at the intersection of technology, society, and innovation, leveraging qualitative and quantitative empirical methods.
- Membership in the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS), an international network of researchers and practitioners in information systems.
- An inspiring academic environment with teaching responsibilities (4 contact hours per week) and exciting research projects at a leading information systems department in Germany.
Join our team and contribute to shaping the digital transformation! Applications can be submitted until December 20, 2024. More information about the position and the application process can be found here.
ERCIS students foster transatlantic relations at the German American Conference (GAC) at the Harvard Kennedy School
From 15 to 17 November 2024, students Lars Heimann, Maja Kirschnick, Theresa Hilp, Jonathan Grundmann and Lena Schleupen from the University of Münster's School of Business and Economics participated in the German American Conference (GAC) at the Harvard Kennedy School in Cambridge, MA. The GAC is a largest student-led conference in northern America and has been held annually since 2008. It brings together American and German thought leaders from business, politics and academia with talented students to strengthen transatlantic cooperation.
This year's motto was ‘Hard Conversations’. Our students heard keynotes on the role of the German constitution from Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth, President of the Federal Constitutional Court, discussed the Republican perspective on the US election results with Thomas E. Price, M.D., former US Secretary of Health and Human Services, and learned from Dr. Andrej Levin, Partner at the Boston Consulting Group, how companies generate value through AI. Finally, the transatlantic relations were celebrated over the rooftops of Boston in the spectacular The View. Dr. Thomas Haskamp, associated researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), also gave a tour of the MIT, including a visit to the famous MIT Media Lab.
The European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) organised and financially supported the trip for all students of the School of Business and Economics. Special thanks go to Prof. Jan vom Brocke, Dr. Thomas Haskamp, Dr. Armin Stein and Dr. Michael Räckers for making the conference possible.
Jobhub IT
On 3 December 2024, this year's JobHub IT, the IT career fair for students, took place in the castlesfoyer in Münster. All students from IT-related degree programmes, regardless of the number of semesters they have completed so far, were invited to find out about possible internships, final theses in cooperation with companies or positions for a career start. Companies represented included AGRAVIS Raiffeisen AG, LVM Versicherung, Sopra Steria Custom Software and Solutions GmbH.
We look back on an inspiring career fair and would like to thank the Institute for Applied Computer Science and Prof. Dr. Benjamin Risse for organizing it!
The IT career fair for studentsUniversity of Münster and ZEW jointly appoint Dr Asatryan
The University of Münster and the ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research have jointly appointed Dr. Zareh Asatryan to the professorship ‘Economics with a Focus on Empirical Economic Research’. Zareh Asatryan is Deputy Head of the ZEW's Research Unit ‘Corporate Taxation and Public Finance’, one of Germany's leading economic research institutes. Previously, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Mannheim and received his doctoral degree in economics from the University of Freiburg. Currently he co-leads the Armenian Economic Association.
Teaching Award 2024 goes to the Department of Information Systems
This year, the Teaching Prize was once again awarded by the Business and Economics Student Council (Fachschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaften), which rewards lecturers in the School of Business and Economics for their outstanding teaching achievements. Students have influence on the choice of award winners through the teaching evaluations.
This year, the Teaching Prize was awarded to two professors from the Department of Information Systems: one to Prof. Christian Grimme for the course ‘System Analysis and Decision Making’ and one to Prof. Fabian Gieseke for the course ‘Data Analytics 2’. The prize was presented at the graduation ceremony last Friday.
Universität Münster und ZEW berufen gemeinsam Dr. Asatryan
Die Universität Münster und das ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung berufen gemeinsam Dr. Zareh Asatryan auf die Professur „Volkswirtschaftslehre mit dem Schwerpunkt empirische Wirtschaftsforschung“. Zareh Asatryan ist stellvertretender Leiter des Forschungsbereichs „Unternehmensbesteuerung und Öffentliche Finanzwirtschaft“ am ZEW, einem der führenden deutschen Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute. Zuvor war er Post-Doc an der Universität Mannheim und promovierte in Ökonomie an der Universität Freiburg.
New Alumni Story: Lars Ehlers from Ford Motor Company
The School of Business & Economics and its alumni association, AlumniUM, present the "Alumni Stories" – an interview series where graduates of the School share their career paths and experiences at the University of Münster. In Part 11 of the Alumni Stories, Lars Ehlers, IT Manager for EU Market, Dealer IT, and Retailing Aftersales at Ford Motor Company, takes us behind the scenes of the company where he has worked for over 20 years. In the interview, we learn whether he ever regretted this decision, why "walk the talk" and "knowledge over history" are among the most important lessons of his professional journey, and what advice Lars Ehlers would give to today's students regarding achieving a good work-life balance.
Neue Alumni Story: Lars Ehlers von Ford Motor Company
Die Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät sowie ihr Ehemaligenverein, AlumniUM, präsentieren die „Alumni Stories“ – eine Interviewreihe, in der Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Fakultät ihre Karrierewege und Erlebnisse an der Universität Münster teilen. In Teil 11 der Alumni Stories nimmt uns Lars Ehlers, IT-Manager EU Market, Dealer IT und Retailing Aftersales bei Ford Motor Company, mit hinter die Kulissen des Unternehmens, in dem er bereits seit mehr als 20 Jahren tätig ist. Im Interview erfahren wir, ob er diese Entscheidung je bereut hat, warum „walk the talk“ und „knowledge over history“ zu den wichtigsten Learnings seiner beruflichen Laufbahn gehören und was Lars Ehlers heutigen Studierenden in Bezug auf eine gute Work-Life-Balance mit auf den Weg geben würde.
Inaugural lecture by Honorary Professor Dr. Raimund Vogl
Last Friday, Dr. Raimund Vogl delivered his inaugural lecture following his appointment as Honorary Professor in May of this year. Dr. Raimund Vogl has been head of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) at the University of Münster since 2007 and was appointed CIO of the University of Münster in 2017. He has been teaching the ‘Project Management’ lecture at the Department for Information Systems since summer semester of 2019, where he effectively conveys the success factors of project management to students, drawing from his extensive practical experience.
Antrittsvorlesung von Honorarprofessor Dr. Raimund Vogl
Am vergangenen Freitag hielt Dr. Raimund Vogl seine Antrittsvorlesung, nachdem er im Mai dieses Jahres zum Honorarprofessor ernannt worden war. Dr. Raimund Vogl leitet seit 2007 das Center for Information Technology (CIT) der Universität Münster und wurde 2017 zum CIO der Universität Münster berufen. Am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik liest er seit dem Sommersemester 2019 die Vorlesung „Project Management“, in der er aufgrund seiner langjährigen praktischen Erfahrung die Gelingensfaktoren des Projektmanagements den Studierenden hervorragend vermittelt.
CURATE Incubator Programme for Students - Apply Now!
Students, turn your AI and entrepreneurship interests into real-world experience! The CURATE Incubator Programme offers BA and MA students the opportunity to earn 5 ECTS while solving business challenges using AI and design thinking in an international setting.
Key information
The CURATE Incubator Programme, organized by the University of Münster in collaboration with the CURATE project partners across Europe, provides an exciting opportunity to develop viable business solutions to challenges provided by partner companies. Participants will combine AI tools with entrepreneurial processes in a dynamic learning environment that encourages multidisciplinary skills in digital and virtual spaces.
- Application Deadline: February 7th, 2025
- Duration: February 2025 - Autumn 2025
- Format: Hybrid (online + on-site bootcamps in Slovakia and Germany)
- Cost: Free (travel & accommodation covered for selected participants)
- Credits: 5 ECTS
Programme Structure
- Two hybrid bootcamps at Technical University of Koŝice (Slovakia) and at University of Münster (Germany). The bootcamps will be held in April 2025 and in Autumn 2025.
- A Virtual learning period with coaching from April to August 2025.
- Hands-on work with partner companies.
- Focus on AI tools and entrepreneurial processes.
What You'll Learn
- Design thinking and AI implementation
- Business modeling and market analysis
- Entrepreneurial skills and startup finance
- Challenge-based learning
- Cross-cultural teamwork
- Current Bachelor's or Master's student at the University of Münster
- Strong academic record
- Submission of a motivation letter is required
- A total of 15 students will be selected from the University of Münster
Don't miss this opportunity to develop your entrepreneurial mindset, tackle real-world challenges, and collaborate with students from Ulysseus partner universities in a global setting.
Apply here before February 7, 2025.
If you have any questions about the application process or general questions about the Curate Incubator programme, please contact Shariga Sivanathan.
Inaugural lecture by Honorary Professor Dr. Raimund Vogl
Last Friday, Dr. Raimund Vogl delivered his inaugural lecture following his appointment as Honorary Professor in May of this year. Dr. Raimund Vogl has been head of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) at the University of Münster since 2007 and was appointed CIO of the University of Münster in 2017. He has been teaching the ‘Project Management’ lecture at the Department for Information Systems since summer semester of 2019, where he effectively conveys the success factors of project management to students, drawing from his extensive practical experience.
At the beginning of the lecture, the Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Prof. Thomas Langer, introduced the new honorary professor. Raimund Vogle expressed his sincere gartitude to the Dean and Prof. Jörg Becker for their support. In his lecture, he discussed the history of the CIT and its current projects, and explained how the CIT can support research at the University of Münster. Finally, a champagne reception rounded off the successful lecture.
Prof. Riedel als Expertin bei ZDF WISO: Wie fair ist die Mehrwertsteuer?
Die Mehrwertsteuer (MwSt.) ist mit 291 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2023 die wichtigste Einnahmequelle des deutschen Staates und trägt fast ein Drittel zum Steueraufkommen bei. Doch ihre Belastung ist ungleich verteilt: Während der einheitliche Steuersatz von 19 Prozent auf alle Verbraucher:innen gleich angewendet wird, belastet die Steuer einkommensschwache Haushalte relativ stärker, da diese einen größeren Teil ihres Einkommens für Konsum ausgeben müssen. Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel vom Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik an der Universität Münster, hat sich in der aktuellen Ausgabe des ZDF-Wirtschaftsformats WISO zu den Verteilungswirkungen und Reformmöglichkeiten der Mehrwertsteuer geäußert.